Friday, June 27, 2008

Sightseeing with the Blind

There has been crazy flooding in our area. We had so much flooding that the last two days we had no summer school due to road closures and washouts. Who knew I would get flood days and snow days! So the first flood day a couple of the staff members that could make it to work, came in and called all the kids to make sure they were home and their parents knew that. After that Derek, Grandpa Dunham and I went to check out the crops. Our little plants were completely covered and we have our own lake right now. We couldn't get into Grandpa's farm (well in a truck), so we couldn't study his fields too closely. However, Mary sent pictures out. Grandpa kept saying it was worse than it was in 2002. He thought the last time he saw it this bad was 1917. Grandpa kept saying he couldn't believe he was sightseeing and not able to see. However, he could figure lots of things out - he said the details were just fuzzy. I think he had a good time. I had called and asked Grandma if he would like to ride with us. She said of course. Later he told us that she just wanted to get him out of the house!

1 comment:

aj burke said...

Grandma is an evil genius, you know.