Thursday, September 24, 2009


I didn't post anything after the wedding. Uncle Dan & Aunt Cassandra got married this month. Maci will not be a professional flower girl. She was super for the pictures. She can pose for the camera like the best of them AND never gets tired of taking pictures (unlike her Grandma Calista who skipped out before they could even get her picture!). The people intimidated her and she didn't want to go down the aisle. She cried and I had to go fetch her from the back. After the wedding we had the reception and dance, Maci LOVED the dance. She closed the show down and would have stayed for more!

(The real photographer photos will have to be touched up to remove the bruises and scratches on her face!) I can't believe how rough and tough she gets.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Madeline Kidsits

I started to say Madeline babysits, but Maci is far from a baby. Last night I had a visitation to attend, so Madeline came up to watch Maci for the first time all by herself. She did a great job - well of course she did. Maci is a pretty easy kid to sit as long as you have the time to play all her games. Then mom and I brought home pizza and soda. They had a picnic in the living room.

My favorite lesson to Maci from Madeline. Maci was talking about keeping secrets and Madeline told her you tell your mom everything. You should never keep a secret from her. I thought it was excellent advise!

Today Hannah played in her saucer for the first time. She is getting really good at holding her head up. She gets bored with it pretty quickly, but she get bored with everything quickly!

Well she is getting bored now and is starting to protest.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hungry Marvin

When I am hungry lots of times I will say "I am starvin Marvin" to Maci. Well last night she told me "I am hungry Marvin, I need something to eat!" I tried to explain it, but it never seems to work for me.