Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jeanne & Amy can't leave anymore...

So as we know Jeanne is off this week. Aunt Amy usually covers for Maci watch on those weeks, however, she took a couple days off this week too. WELL they aren't allowed to do that anymore. Maci is starting her sick thing again. Leah took her to the doctor today and they decided to put her on steroids for a couple days.

Maci has had an eventful week. She has been able to spend lots of time with family. Yesterday was the craziest day. I took Maci and Popo to the farm. Then went to work. I returned to the farm and had batting practice with Stella. Then we loaded up the taxi and headed to Macon. We dropped off Popo, the peas, and some powerful onions (the girls had a snack or two). Then we loaded up again and headed for the ball field. We were there early enough to make Grandma Dunham proud. Stella thought they were going to practice a bit before the game, but they didn't. We watched a painful game for me, but MUCH MUCH MUCH better than t-ball. I just want to help them so much and really you can't. Stella had a fabulous hit. It made it in the live zone, but just past it so they had to run up on it. She made it to first and was safe! She is a very nervous batter. I went home and told Derek he was going to have to take her out and practice with her. I did and she hit it every time I pitched it to her. So maybe she needs another coach. Then we all went out to have dinner.

Last night right before bed she puked ALL over the bed. She was in there reading a book with her dad. I wasn't in there to witness the puking, however, as he took her for her 2nd bath of the evening I was summons to clean the sheets. I only have one set of sheets unpacked at this house, so I had to wash them immediately. I decided I needed to find the others soon. She didn't act sick other than the puking. Then this morning I took her to Leah's. I told Leah we needed to go back to more treatments per day. I guess she listened to her and thought she needed to go the doctor. (she still doesn't act like she is sick - for goodness sake she ate 3 1/2pancakes. She had them with strawberry jam for the first time. She liked it. I knew I would convert her to fruit.)

Tomorrow Aunt Amy is back. I hope she remembers that she doesn't cry when I leave her there. Monday she cried, but Tuesday she didn't when I dropped her off with Aunt Amy. Then Wednesday she cried when I left her at the farm. AND today she cried both times I left her with Leah.

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