Monday, December 31, 2007

Sesame Street saves the day!

I am still sticking with Maci is going to be into electronics. I have been downloading Sesame Street podcast onto my iPod and letting Maci watch them. She loves it. There is all kinds of fun kid things for her to do with my iPod. She can listen to stories, watch short videos, and learn words with Cookie Monster. Everytime she sees Cookie Monster she gets excited.

The last two morning she has been doing her breathing treatments by HERSELF while watching Sesame Street old school videos. It is real progress. No fighting, crying and frustration by either one of us!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas & Rubber Boots

All in all Christmas was a success! Maci open her own gifts and didn't need a nap in between opening as she did last year! It was a good thing she opened the box of markers and paper last. As soon as she opened that present she had to try it out. Good thing those markers are washable (confirmed after washing her blanket that accidentally had a couple of marks on it).

Another one of Maci's favorite gifts is her rubber boots from her Grandma Jane. She can put them on all by herself and has been wearing them ALL day today. She had her pictures taken today and she put them on during her photo shoot. Then she wore them to drop our car off. Then she put them on with her PJs. The boots are a hit!

Her words are becoming clearer and clearer. She will repeat most things you have her repeat. Some of her favorite words are milk, hat, shoes, boots, book, ice, dada, mama, papa, thank you, up, down, out, highchair, eat, and of course cheese! I am still working on I love mommy. So far I get a lot of tongue moving and not alot of sound. If things don't do what she wants she keeps repeating the words until she gets her way. For example, she has a play laptop that you turn on and it will make different sounds. Well the batteries are dead and I haven't replaced them yet. So she keeps saying push push push and pushing the buttons. Then she gets upset and I have to redirect her attention. Or milk, milk, milk until you give in and get her more! I use to think it was so cute when she said milk - now it is just so annoying!

Also, she loves books. She likes to pretend read and she likes for you to read to her. She also likes my ipod. I downloaded a couple of podcast of Seasame Street. She thinks it is really cool to put the ear plugs in and watch the little show. I just hope she doesn't figure out the lock button. I lock it when I don't want her blasting out my ears or changing the menu around. She is clever though she figures things out quickly!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Our DVD player is on the fritz - it plays movies until about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Then it shorts out. Well, we had our extra DVD player upstairs in our room of boxes. I hooked it up last night. I left the old DVD player and it's cords on our footstool. Today that was Maci's favorite new toy. She spent a LONG time putting the red, yellow and white connectors into the back of the DVD player. I am fascinated at the things she is interested in.

Of course, the cellphone is one of her favorite toys. She loves to talk on it. But when she says bye bye that means the call ends even if I was not done. She says bye bye and then snaps the phone shut! She has hung up on a few callers. Tonight she called her dad's phone on accident from my phone. They talked in the living room to each other kind of like walkie talkies! She does carry on a good conversation now. She use to only kiss the phone or say hi. She has definitely added to her phone skills.

So I think she might be into gadgets and electronics - I can't blame her I like them too!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pull Ups & Christmas Lights

Maci is really into pretend play. So much that I thought she was going to wear me out with the off and on her potty game. Most of the time she just sits on it with her clothes on, but not today she was insistent that I take off her diaper. She kept sitting down and getting up sitting down getting up. I gave in and had a seat on the floor beside her, because I knew this was going to be a long game. AND I hate to keep her from the potty. BUT then she actually went pee IN the potty. This was an exciting moment for me - she seemed to think it was not so special. I tried to make her think it was special. So today before her 18 months check up we must go buy some pull ups!!

We have a snow day today (or ice day), and Maci and I were going to decorate our Christmas Tree. We can't find the Christmas Tree lights they are lost. I have looked in several places and boxes and give up. So with the pull ups we will be getting new lights for the tree. Surely, you need to replace those frequently anyway to prevent house fires.

Zippers and things that work. This is Maci new interest. She spent a good 30 minutes today zipping and unzipping up a bag that we tote her toys around. She seems so fascinated with the way things work.