Saturday, March 17, 2007

Maci has been posing for lots of pictures this last week. I thought I would share a few. I am sure she will be running from the camera as soon as she can.

Today she spent the day with her Great Grandma & Grandpa Young and her plain Grandma & Grandpa Young. We had lunch at the cabin and supper at her Grandparents' house. She had a great St. Patrick's day. However, I didn't have a green outfit for her to wear. Uncle Dan & Cassandra came by and brought their dog Docker who is growing very fast. He is very cute. Maci loves to watch the dogs play together. They were getting too hyper so Dan split them up for a while. Poor Docker was very sad.


Cali said...

PLAIN gma and gpa Young?!

Beth said...

Yes PLAIN nothing great about them!

aj burke said...

I am confused - can you explain why it looks like Maci is in a bag hanging between someone's legs??? I hope social services doesn't see this blog!

Beth said...

Maci kept putting herself in the bag, so Derek was swinging her in it. She was giggling like crazy!