Thursday, March 8, 2007

Maci went to the doctor today she is 17 lbs 4 ounces (20 percentile)- 27 inches long (28 percentile) - and 16 inch head (60 percentile). Dr. Burdin keeps saying she is so petite. How in world with me is she petite? She is crawling around everywhere now. She is really trying to repeat and mimic our words. She has successfully said up and out - not consistently though. Derek is really trying for dad or some version. One of our questions was she waving yet. Mom said yes - she does to Emma. So I guess she has selective waving. Dr. Burdin said not to worry about her not eating baby food anymore. Maci still doesn't like fruit so she told me to keep trying. I tricked her tonight when she thought I was giving her a vanilla wafer - I quickly popped in a peach. Ticked her off, but she ate it.

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