Thursday, March 8, 2007

Tonight Maci went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Young. Derek and I had a friend to visit in the hospital. Maci went out to check the cows with Grandpa Brad. She wore one of Mom's scarf, which she looked absolutely ridiculous! Mom claimed I hadn't told her that Maci was crawling. So, she was surprised to see Maci was not where she left her when she ran upstairs to get her tea. She said it was just for a second and she had crawled under the stairs looking for her. Every time she visits them she comes back with junk in her hair and very dirty. It was too late last night to bathe her and it was too cold this morning to do it, so she was the stinky kid at daycare! But she really likes hanging out with those crazy grandparents. She lights up every time she sees them.


Cali said...

I didn't know she was crawling! Do you have a video feature with that camera?

Beth said...

I will try to catch her in the act and send you a clip.

aj burke said...

I guess I am not used to Brad and Jane being 'Grandma and Grandpa Young' yet - I thought you were talking about YOUR grandparents for most of the post! P.S. I think she looks ADORABLE in the scarf!

Lauren's mommy said...

Maci looks like a little Amish baby with her scraf on. Very Cute!