Tuesday, February 10, 2009

70 degrees & water main break = LUCKY!

It quite possibly will be the last day we could spend outside for a while. AND it so happened the fiber optics people cut the main water line in Atlanta. It is the only time that I couldn't drink or pee and was excited. So school was let out early, I did my Valentine's Day shopping for Maci, and headed to get her from daycare. We came home put away the shopping stuff (although it was hard to leave the new Valentine cards at home), and headed to the park. We have the same it is not just your park conversation going down the hill to the park. I don't think she believes me because the 3 times we have been to the park there is only us there. Or we might have one straggler stop in and head out. Maci is probably trying to figure out why I tell her she has to share the park when obviously there is no one there. Maci did discover she can access all the areas of the jungle gym with the slides. She even climbed up to the lookout tower several times. Although she was pretending it was a shower and the telescope was the shower head. She would climb up there pretend to wash her hair and sing at the top of her lungs. Maybe it is a good thing we are the only ones at the park.

Tonight we are going to work on our Valentine's Day cards. We have the cookie snacks cooking. Who knew Valentine's Day was such a big deal at daycare?

Tomorrow night her friend Cara (PAT) comes to visit. She is excited to see her. I think we might be doing a testing visit. So we will see what we are falling short at doing so I can obsess about it. Last time the only thing we had to work on was lacing beads. AND the bad parent I am - I didn't find the lacing beads. So I guess we will fail that again...

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