Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lost: Binky

So Maci is a particular baby sometimes. She only likes one kind of Binky aka pacifier. We have purchased several of them. Along the way we have lost all, but one blue Binky. I decided not to purchases additional ones as when we we lost the blue Binky we would be done with them. Well that day came two days ago. She had it at Jeanne's then when we headed home I forgot to get it. We made it through the night, and really wasn't a bad night. The next day I asked about it, and Jeanne thought she had it outside in the play yard. So they looked for it yesterday. IT IS LOST! However, she made it through last night too. So I guess all that worrying I did thinking it was going to be SO hard to get her to give it up - time wasted! I could have had one less gray hair!

We are gearing up for her birthday party this weekend. If anyone is in town, come on by for a little sugar!

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