Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cinco de Mayo

Last night Maci slept in her own bed for 7 hours! And I got my first good sleep since she was born. We will be moving her crib back soon. Before she would never stay in it, but last night she was exhausted so she made it all night. We had a busy day yesterday! She celebrated Cinco de Mayo with Great Grandma & Grandpa Young at their house. We really went down to help them mow their yard. However, the yard was too wet for mowing. Derek did get to weedeat. Maci played and played, and only took a short nap.

It is a very stormy day today. We drove back up to the cabin and it poured buckets on us. All the water levels are very high, and flooded in some spots.

Maci has been climbing all over EVERYTHING, and emptying any cabinet, drawer, basket, or bag she can get her hands on. Today, she kept emptying the cabinets before I could get the last one she had been in put back together. She also has been climbing stairs. She hasn't quite figured out the backing down yet, and has had a couple tumbles. I tried to teach her how to scoot down them, but she is very independent and wasn't ready to learn from me yet.

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