Friday, January 1, 2010

New Camera

Derek bought me a new camera. So we have been doing photo shoots about every hour on the hour! Maci likes to do pictures as much as I like to take them of her. My brother claims the mirrors in our house are going to make her self obsessed. For those who don't know we have two HUGE mirrors that came with our house. They are so big they make me uncomfortable. It took me several weeks to get use to all the different angles of reflections. I would jump at shadows thinking someone was standing in living room. I about peed my pants several times! Self obsessed or not she is really stinking is a couple preview photos.


Heidi said...

oh my word!!!! that last picture she is FULL BLOODED MODEL!! the angry/serious face! I love it! She is so adorable and sweet!
camera must be nice!

Beth said...

I knew you would love them. I thought about emailing you directly!