Monday, December 21, 2009

Weekly Email

My grandma can do a weekly email to all of us, but I can't seem to update our blog once a month. I attribute that to not having 5 minutes to compose my thoughts uninterrupted. However, today I am home ALL BY MYSELF. I know it is WEIRD. The best/worst part is I am really not able to do any of my task. I do have trouble leaving the laundry on the floor. I guess I could call Leah up the street to get to work, but I am sure she has her own laundry. And then I would be acting too much like her own bossy mother. Well onto the important people updates.

My mother says I have put too much pressure on Maci, because she is worried she is not good enough for Santa to leave her a present. I really don't put an emphasis on Santa. I do, however, put an emphasis on being good. She is generally too good to be true, so Santa will be visiting her. I assure her of that nightly. I love seeing her get so excited. Another great thing about her she is the only 3 year old I know that keeps a secret. She helped me wrap all the presents (pre-surgery) and her dad is constantly trying to find out what she bought him. She keeps telling him "dad it is a secret you will just have to wait." He tries all kinds of things to get her to tell, but no way she is giving it up.

And then there is Hannah. Derek and Hannah have been spending every minute together this weekend. I was all drugged up so he was sleeping, feeding, and caring constantly for her. So much so that last night she was only content to rock with him in the chair. I will have to work on that when I can rock again! She is growing out her of sleepers a couple months early. I can't not believe how long she is getting. I also saved all those clothes of Maci that might be too small now. Oh well a girl needs new clothes right?

I hear that I should be up skiing (according to my cousin) by tomorrow. So will be back to work and no longer updating the blog. So see you next month.


Chris said...

Love your blog.

Paul said...

Thanx for the pics. I'll remember them for awhile now.