Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Okay so tonight not quite as good naming the people in photos. Tonight she insisted that a picture of her was PARKER! And no Amanda I have searched all my photos...and no picture of you. I have one of Della - okay 1/2 of her. The photographer (I believe was you last Christmas) made sure that Maci was the center of the photo cutting out 1/2 of Della. So anyone that wants to be in Maci's picture book, please forward pictures to my email.

This post is for Grandma Jane. Tonight Maci kept pointing at something and I thought she was saying book. BUT the book kept moving as she was pointing in different directions. Well, I realized that she was saying BUG BUG BUG. It was one of the small beetle bugs that I can't get rid of...no matter what I do! I guess when I was little I use to yell BUG BUG BUG until someone got rid of the bug. It must run in the family!

We found our long lost box of toys tonight. During the move from cabin to house, we lost a box of toys. She really doesn't NEED the toys, but one of the toys was a fisher price train that sings a clever little song. Every weekend a commercial for it plays and she screams at the TV for the train. Dang cartoon commercial - they start at a very young age! Well it is found and she is back to dancing to the music. One of the toys I could have cared less if we ever found. It is one of those popcorn poppers that you push along the floor. She didn't use to know exactly how to use it, she does now. Thank you Uncle Dan for that toy. It might have to go in a box for a toy donation this Christmas. I think it is time for her to learn giving!

I think Maci is going to be a big bully. Jeanne said Maci has been having to sit in time out at her house. She doesn't like to share the toys she has and she hits when she doesn't get her way. Yikes. What do you do? Sometimes you can reason with her other times not so much. All you have to do is say no or don't and she cries, but I don't think she gets why you are telling her no or don't. I always mark it up to lack of sleep or she needs to eat. I think that could be issues for many adults that have issues too!

1 comment:

aj burke said...

I heard a really nice story on the radio this fall by a dad who, when his kids get new toys on any occasion, has them pick out an equal number of old toys to donate to needy families. So, his house isn't overwhelmed with mountains of toys and he teaches the kids about giving AND kind of preemptively fights the idea many people have that accumulating things = happiness.

Those popcorn-pushers ARE incredibly noisy!! ;-)