Monday, November 26, 2007

Maci is now recognizing people by their photo. We have pictures on the refrigerator that she loves to name the people in them. She also has one of her own photo albums she kept pointing at Grandpa Brad's picture saying papa. She also finds popo and calls him by name.

She is picking up on all types of things now. Last night I was cleaning up the kitchen and I asked her to pick up her toys in the living room. She was putting up a toy and taking out two! I asked her if she was cleaning up. So, the next time I looked she had out the swifer duster and was "cleaning" the floor! Too funny.

She had another first tonight. It was her first night to lick the paddle on the mixer! We were making cookies and she was sticking her finger in the bowl eating the dough. So I gave her the paddle. You can see how much she liked the chocolate cookies! Her favorite thing is sitting on the counter helping me do whatever I happen to be doing. UP UP UP she screams until you give in and put her on the counter.

1 comment:

aj burke said...

What a doll! I hope I'm on the fridge so she'll know me in a few weeks. She is a smart little cookie, for sure.