Thursday, October 25, 2007

When will this week end...

We are back home! Maci caught a virus that she so nicely has given Aunt Amy & Uncle Paul. It caused Maci to get a crazy high fever. She had Tylenol and Motrin and still registered a 104 degree temperature in the ER. Her temperature caused her to dehydrate and in turn made her heart rate to be WAY to high. She registered 215 before we headed to the hospital. They did a EKG and found that all was okay with her heart. Dr. Burdin thinks she just can't keep her heart rate down because her body keeps dehydrating. So we stayed at the hospital for two nights. We just got home this afternoon. She is doing much better. Now she is all congested. Dr. Burdin thought her allergy/asthma would kick in now and make her all snotty. We are just concentrating on drinking lots of fluids.

We need to start a new routine soon. Everyday when we get home we go out and let the dog out of the pen and play a bit with him. He was run over this week. It is my fault as I should have kept him at the farm. He just needed medicine everyday 2 times a day for his seizures, so I brought him to be here with us. So every time we come home Maci calls/shrieks for the dog. He was a very good dog for her. He let her wollar all over him and pull & poke and he never even moved. I am glad she is too young to remember or be effected. I will miss him.

On a happier note, Maci is increasing her vocabulary. Today she asked for me to put her shoes and socks on (she was ready to leave the hospital!). She said thank you to one of the nurses as they handed her one of her crayons. Every time she says things I just crack up. Earlier this week she on her days with Aunt Amy & Uncle Paul she learned all kinds of words. Uncle Paul taught her to say his name. Which I find very unfair. She still doesn't say mom. Every time you ask her to say mom she says dad. She just thinks she has two dads! Uncle Paul also taught her to say George and Grace (the cats). They read one of the Spot books. She was pointing out the ducks and saying quack. She is a hoot!


Leah said...

Oh Beth, I had no idea about Foster, I'm so sorry. :-(

Cali said...

I'm really sorry too. That's the worst.