Saturday, January 24, 2009

So how does 1/2 a gallon of puke come out of a 2 year old? Seriously her stomach can not have that much in it. Last night I know at least that much came out of her, because I filled up 1/2 of an ice cream bucket with pancake puke. She just begged and begged me to fix her pancakes all day. I finally gave in for her about 7 p.m. In the middle of Monk we were doing our breathing treatment, and she filled her mask with puke. And then the bucket and my shirt. I am sure everyone would have loved to see how I got us to the shower without dropping it onto the carpet. I wished I would have covered a path to the bathroom, but I didn't.

I think she is finally understanding her tummy hurts different than hungry now. Yesterday she kept saying I NEED TO TAKE A SHOWER. Every time she threw up we threw her in the shower to clean it off. So I think she is figuring it out.

I have been starving her today and only feeding her saltines and pedialyte. She keeps telling me she needs cheese. I can't eat anything or she wants it and starts crying. So I am on her same diet. She did get a pedialyte freezer pop. I was hoping she would feel like it was something substantial. Guess not because she wanted cheese after it.

She is surprising active everyday, but every night we puke. So I don't know if she is better or not. Of course she is still on steroids so maybe those are keeping her active. We will see. Meanwhile I am staying away from others to keep our germs at home.

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