Friday, January 9, 2009

Doctor Visit

So we made the trip. Maci had a good day. We saw the other doctor that alternates with Dr. Noyes. He said we were doing good. He suggested adding an additional steriod inhaler to her when she is getting sick. It is the same one she is getting daily, but it would increase the dose. I am discouraged, because we are really just going to have to continue on this path. He mentioned a new drug out for FDA approval that is going to be available for 4 year olds. She would benefit from it. So I guess a couple more years of ups and downs for us. If only the sickness progressed the same each time, it would make our lives easier. Instead it is a big guessing game. I sometime wonder how well we are guessing.

On a happy note Barnes & Noble is right around the corner from the doctor so we usually go get a book after the appointment. (remember she is all pumped up on steriods) She is running from book to book going MOM LOOK AT THIS ONE AND THIS ONE AND THIS ONE. We read a few and then proceeded to the DVD's because they were on sale. She got a few DVD's for her car ride home. Another Seasame Street alphabet movie that had Cookie Monster on the front. It was a MUST have. And Eloise at the Plaza with Julie Andrews. We watched it last night. She liked them both. She insisted on Cookie Monster this morning on the way to daycare.

We will see how the day back with others goes ... I left her instructions no cheek pinching or being mean. The steriods really make her aggressive. She was so excited to see the first other kid arrive. I think she was tired of us adults!

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