Monday, December 10, 2007

Pull Ups & Christmas Lights

Maci is really into pretend play. So much that I thought she was going to wear me out with the off and on her potty game. Most of the time she just sits on it with her clothes on, but not today she was insistent that I take off her diaper. She kept sitting down and getting up sitting down getting up. I gave in and had a seat on the floor beside her, because I knew this was going to be a long game. AND I hate to keep her from the potty. BUT then she actually went pee IN the potty. This was an exciting moment for me - she seemed to think it was not so special. I tried to make her think it was special. So today before her 18 months check up we must go buy some pull ups!!

We have a snow day today (or ice day), and Maci and I were going to decorate our Christmas Tree. We can't find the Christmas Tree lights they are lost. I have looked in several places and boxes and give up. So with the pull ups we will be getting new lights for the tree. Surely, you need to replace those frequently anyway to prevent house fires.

Zippers and things that work. This is Maci new interest. She spent a good 30 minutes today zipping and unzipping up a bag that we tote her toys around. She seems so fascinated with the way things work.


aj burke said...

OOOOH! She's SO fantastic. I can't wait to snuggle her. Am I on the fridge yet? I'll be in MO in 11 DAYS! Yay! First final tomorrow - I think I'm going to throw up. Send me good vibes. Love, A.

Beth said...

You are in her picture book. So far she says cat when she sees your picture!

aj burke said...

Well, that's close! I am very into eating and napping...but no hairballs thank goodness. ;-)