Thursday, September 13, 2007

Doctor Visit - 15 month Check Up

We visited the doctor Monday. Maci weights 21 pounds 1 ounce which puts her in the 37th percentile. She is 30" tall or the 23rd percentile. Her head was 18 1/4 or the 66th percentile. We are going to continue the 2 steroid breathing treatments a day. And her Zyrtec allergy medicine. She is really congested. Dr. Burdin's goal is to keep her out of the hospital this year. We talked about getting a filter system for her to keep some of the allergens away from her at night. I am going to look for a room purification system. I have a friend coming to check out the furnace. I really don't want to spend anymore time at the hospital. NOT that hanging out with Grandma Jane everyday wasn't fun. We can arrange time with her without costing me an arm and a leg. Although, Maci was very spoiled and it was as enjoyable as a hospital visit could be! Maci did learn to like ice cream, cookies, and mashed potatoes while in the hospital. I guess Aunt Mary will have to make her King Arthur cookies and just bring them over to Maci at home this year! And Aunt Amy fixed Derek and I dinner one night - I am sure she wouldn't mind us coming over. Well, Uncle Paul will if we don't bring Maci with us!

I took some cute pictures of Maci last night on the porch. I will download those tonight. I just picked my comptuer up from the cabin. Still waiting on internet, but more post coming soon!


aj burke said...

Beth, has many air and water purification systems. Also, you can order via (then go to gaiam or another store) and select Immaculate Conception and a percentage will go to benefit that school (I did this after receiving Stella's fundraising request in the mail).
Another site to shop through is; there you can shop at many stores and a percentage of the purchase will go to the charity of your choice. (And hopefully everyone is using GoodSearch as their search engine now - about a penny per search goes to the charity of your choice. That adds up!)

Beth said...

I have been using goodsearch for my search engine, however, I am yet to see a check. I signed up the school here...

aj burke said...

I think that's because "GoodSearch will send each organization a check once a year providing the organization has accrued $20 or more. If the organization has earned less than $20, the funds will be allocated on a pro rata basis to those organizations which have met the minimum payment requirement." You need to tell all the Atlanta parents to start using it.