Monday, March 8, 2010

Wanted: A REAL Princess

Today on the way to Jeanne's house Maci requested a real princess. I asked "What kind of princess?" Her response "you know mom a real one." I asked "Like real - like a person?" She said "Yes mom." very matter of fact. So I proceeded on with the conversation mostly because I couldn't believe she was serious. And secondly to see if she really thought she could really request a real person? So I asked which princess. She wants Belle. And no I don't have access to her phone number only my friend Shana does. And that is because my friend Shana took her daughter to see Belle and had a picture of Belle on her phone. So after hashing all this out, I asked "why do you want a real princess?" She replied "well mom she could sleep with me and I would share my bed with her. And then I wouldn't want to sleep with you all the time!"

So where does one pick up a real princess? She would like that and a skateboard for her birthday.

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