Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tickle Tickle and More

Well, summertime has really put a damper on my blog writing.

Maci is becoming more independent. She will venture off without you, of course, looking back to make sure you are following. She walks alot more on her own. She is still a little clumsy, but her balance is improving daily. She tries to run, but is NOT ready for that yet.

Lately she has been wanting to throw things in the trash can. So she is becoming quite the helper around the house. And not until last night has she tried to take things back out of the trash. As far as other things I was dreading her learning - playing in the toilet was one I was hoping to avoid. I have only witnessed her trying to do that one time so far...She really likes water in any form, so I knew the temptation was too much. Bathtime is a breeze she loves to play in her tub. It is hard to get her out sometimes, but she will eventually. I don't enjoy her long baths, because there is only so much you can do while watching her.

Tickle, Tickle: She now goes around saying tickle tickle and running her fingers around any exposed skin. It is so funny. She doesn't say many words, but who knew tickle tickle would be one of the first! I really like to hear her say hot. She says it so quietly. Dog is still one of her favorite words. Of course Dad is a popular word in her vocabulary. She YELLS it at the top of her lungs at her dad. He might be in the other room, outside or beside her and she still YELLS for him.

She is still an eater. She has been loving the fresh vegetables. She will eat all of them. She even eats raw cucumbers. Her favorite so far is raw peas. I have been canning her green beans for this winter. She better like them, because canning is time consuming!

I haven't been taking many pictures lately. We went to a surprise birthday party for Aunt Mary and Madeline took a couple pictures. She was very interested in the ice cream cake. Leah could not cut it fast enough for her! After cake she danced. She is a funny dancer, she dances in circles and claps her hands. She makes herself dizzy and can't walk well after dancing!

I will try to keep you posted on new happens in a more timely fashion.

1 comment:

Leah said...

She even says Tickle Tickle when Mabel (our puppy) licks her feet, so cute. She is also very lovey, coming up to lean into a good hug on the arm and then kiss your arm too. Very charming.