Friday, February 16, 2007

Visiting Grandma Jane

Of course I am staring this blog a little late for her first year of activities, but really she is getting to my favorite age anyway! Yesterday she was 8 1/2 months old.

We spent the last week in the hosptial sitting under a oxygen tent. Maci had pneunonia. The upside was Maci and I got to spend EVERY night with Grandma Jane. She stayed every night to watch over us. After a week of no sleep and much worrying, we are home. She seems to be doing well, however, we were directed to keep her away from germing kids. So no babysitter. Everyone in the family has been pitching in, so that I have been able to go to work. I would stay home, but next week the employees (poor teachers) are expecting to get paid!

Yesterday she spent the day with Aunt Amy. It was reported that the morning went well. She napped all alone, played, and was in a good mood. She did not want to take her bottles. However, she ate all her cereal and sweet potates. And almost every puff (these great fast disolving cereal like snack). For her afternoon nap she refused to sleep alone, so Aunt Amy napped with her. Then the small cousins (Madeline & Stella) showed up after school for entertainment.

Today she spent the day with Leah. Then the afternoon with Leah & Aunt Mary. I called to check on them around 3pm. Aunt Mary was with her alone. She reported that Maci did not like them! She said Maci would go to her and then want Leah. And when she was with Leah she wanted Mary. Leah also couldn't get her to take a bottle, but managed to get a little cereal and squash down her. No puffs though. (what this means for the mother is that she will make up for the lack of daily food ALL NIGHT long! - can't wait). Leah reported that at 10 am she thought about calling Madeline's school telling that she was sick and needed to come home. Maci has a fondness for Madeline. It could be all the attention and holding!

So tomorrow Grandma Jane is keeping her while I am gone to catch up. I should be able to do a week's worth of work in one day, since it is Saturday and no one will be there to mess with me. We will see how it goes...

1 comment:

Leah said...

Well, I think my popularity as a babysitter will improve. Maci did take 2 oz. of formula for me in the a.m, just no more after that. Of course, she never smiled until Madeline came home. sigh...