Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Baby needs milk

I know I haven't posted in a while. It has been pointed out to me many times now.

Maci is still loving pretend play. She has to feed the baby milk frequently. Also, the baby has to have her diaper changed ALOT. And now she wants to use real ones. So this morning I told her I couldn't afford to diaper her and the baby. So I think she is going to potty train herself today - that way I can just buy diapers for her baby! She has named one of her babies baby Parker. The other night Derek was gone for turkey hunters and Maci slept with me. She wouldn't go to bed without the baby so the baby slept with us. I woke up at 3 AM to her sitting straight up in bed feeding the baby. I guess she is taking this parenting thing seriously. Also, I think we might be raising a hypochondriac she has to give her baby medicine frequently. And she loves to take the baby's temperature. I don't know if other children take their baby's temperatures - maybe it is normal.

Dr. Burdin's favorite story yesterday was the potty training. Maci likes to go potty by herself when she needs to do #2. I know when she has finished because she gags and sometime actually pukes, BUT she always gags. So I bought her a new potty ring to go on the big potty (hopefully that will help with the gagging). I think that rules out being a nurse. Dr. Burdin said she could still be a doctor, because they usually don't have to deal with the poop part. So maybe her hypochondriac ways will end her up with a medical degree. I think I need to up her 529 plan contributions!

We went to the doctor yesterday for a followup to our asthma stuff. Dr. Burdin was a little discouraged to hear one of her medicines has been recalled. So we are going to continue as is for another month. I am a little discouraged too. I just want to know what to keep her away from so we don't have to go on steroids. So since I am a need to know person. We went ahead and did a blood draw to get her allergy test done. We are going to see what this test tells us before we go to the allergist. We should know in a week or so.

The blood draw was a little traumatic. They had to stick her 3 times to actually get blood. And the final person to do it was Sharon Kennison. She is the only one that has ever been able to put in her IVs and now draw her blood. I wish we could have her as our own on call nurse! After our trauma with the blood draw, we went to visit uncle Mark. He was sitting up and looked as good as a person that had a broken hip could look! He had supper while we were there even though he complained he didn't have much of an appetite. John came into town and was there visiting too. Maci sat on his lap (shocking - I know - I can't believe she would sit on him!). She thought he was funny and even hugged him goodbye when we left.

I will try to post more often.

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