Monday, February 25, 2008

Pretend Play & Sick

Maci caught a cold, and then the cold turned into her asthma filled lungs of gunk. So we have been house bound again. Maci has taken the opportunity to teach her babies how to go potty. First she takes all the babies clothes off and then she puts the baby in her potty so only the head sticks out the top. Also, she tells me to SHHHSH baby going night night. Then she puts all 3 babies in the baby crib.

My new favorite saying "bad girl" and "good girl." If you do something she doesn't like she tells you are a bad girl - even Derek. I really don't tell her she is a bad girl - I do tell her she is a good girl when she goes potty or says thank you in the appropriate response without being cued. So I guess Jeanne must tell them they are bad girls. She probably hears that when she is stealing the toys from other kids.

AND I am so sorry I introduced Seasame Street to her. I have heard nothing but COOKIE every 2 minutes. Also, Madeline and Stella gave Maci some old videos. I set up the TV and VCR in the bedroom for her to watch them. She has me put Spot on in there and then demands COOKIE in the living room. AND then she watches neither one of them!

Well she is having a steroid induced fit (my mother says that is why she is so moody). I wonder what her excuse is when she is steroid free? Gotta go.


aj burke said...

Here's my latest free advice to parents, which I persist in giving even knowing that I have no right to do so as I have no experience in the field. Have a listen - it's interesting:

Beth said...

I couldn't get the link to work...

aj burke said...

I chopped it in half b/c one time I posted a long link in a blog and it ran behind the 'Leave your comment' box and couldn't be read. I figured you'd be smart enough to put it back together... ;-) I think some of the blogs will wrap a long link and some won't, but I don't remember which is which right now. I'll test this one:

aj burke said...

Nope. See, that's why I chopped it in half.

Beth said...

Got it - so in conclusion buy less commercialized toys and let kids be kids.

Paul said...

When Cali was small and would play with her dolls, she would spank them quite often, something we never did. So the kids pick up this stuff from somewhere.

aj burke said...

I think the idea is, even if they have toys, let them know they can use the toy to create any scenario they want, not just the scenario that the toy company suggests.