Monday, August 11, 2008

3 C's = Clean Plate Award

Maci's new favorite dinner consist of cheese (macaroni & cheese), corn, & cantaloupe. She cleaned her plate all up tonight. She ate EVERY kernel on the corn on the cob.

Maci's newest trick is being able to open the fridge herself. Of course with every trick there are pros and cons. PRO she can get her own milk out (and put it back). CON she checks the fridge out often. PRO she gets her own cantaloupe snack. CON she can't reach the bowls yet so sticky mess all over!

She also goes potty all by herself and doesn't even bother to tell you. PRO she is independent. CON there is pee in her potty and no one knows it.

Tonight I took her out for a swing. I told her we could only swing for a bit because we needed to go cook supper. After we had been swinging for about 20 minutes I told her we needed to go in and we would come back later. She said "no I am going to swing you go cook supper." Which is all fine in theory, but she is in a kiddie swing in the front yard for everyone to see that I just abandoned her in the swing. And she can't make the swing go herself so really it would just look like I forgot her there. I tried the walking off and she will change her mind thing. I tried going in the front door and seeing if she would be concerned - SHE WASN'T. In fact, I gave up and she wins the persistent award. Then I had to convince her she wanted to go shuck corn.

1 comment:

Cali said...

Ha ha! She got you. I also like the description of her carb-o-lishious meal. I would go into a coma.