Thursday, January 31, 2008

The unorganized mom

We are out of school the rest of this week. So yesterday Maci and I played in our PJs all day. So while we were hanging out in our PJs Maci proceeded to shred one of her coloring projects on the floor. All day she kept pulling her toys off the shelves and of course not putting them away. So we had blocks, tea set, color crayon, paper, & little people explosion in our house. However, since I am not at work with my calendar, I forgot that we had a Parents as Teachers meeting last night. So to our surprise there was a knock at the door (we rarely have visitors) we were like what is that someone at the door?

Maci had a great time. Last night she put things in different bottles to make noises. She had a great time putting the stuff in the funnel to go in the bottle. Then a fabulous time shaking the things, I would say her favorites were the jingle bells and beans. The cotton balls she just didn't see the point. Then she proceeded to help Cara take the things out of the bottles and back into their appropriate containers. I think she might be a bit OCD. She spent the rest of the time jumping up and down singing and dancing. Oh and she did later show us how she knew her body parts. Of course, when we first asked she would have nothing to do with it. Later she showed off her skills. Cara thought she was too funny not to laugh at either. She spent some time laughing at her jumping dancing routine and mentioning she wished she could have some of that energy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This just in...Maci just pooped in the potty!

It makes ALL those false trip to the potty worth it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Sneaky Getaway

Maci has not been cleared to go to daycare this week, so she has been spending some time with Aunt Amy & Uncle Paul. Even though she is completely spoiled there she acts sad every morning when I leave. WHICH is a nice change from the over the shoulder wave with the get the heck out of here attitude she gives me at Jeanne's. This morning she was acting like she didn't want me to leave, UNTIL George (the cat) came to the backdoor. She jumped out of my arms and headed to the door to let him in the house. During her distraction - I left out the front. I wonder if she missed me after she let George in...doubt it!

She might not be so quick to let George in during lunch. I heard today that George and Gracie took turns eating Maci's lunch. It might make her think twice...

Today I got out of school early - and not because of weather, but because we have so many sick kids. We are out the rest of the week, however, I am working a couple of the days to make up for my time off last week. I love free days off. I never had those in the "real" world.

P.S. I am looking for a job at the hospital to get the discount on Maci's bills. It needs to have minimal hours and a great discount.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's in the cookie...

Maci’s fortune: This is your day to call the shots
My fortune: Your day will be somewhat dictated by authority

Need I say more?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm doing it all wrong

So I have been looking everywhere for old Sesame Street shows. Maci loves them. I have been online trying to find additional shows and upon reading about them. Did you know the old school videos I bought her are intended for adult viewing only? I guess there are too many controversial issues in the old Sesame Street shows for children today. Who knew? Not me – Maci has worn the DVD out. Would it be terrible if she grew up on the old shows that we use to watch as kids? Regardless, I really wish there were more of the shows on DVD. So I wonder if they are for adults only will they make more DVDs? Maci has been sick again and we have been doing several extra breathing treatments a day. I am tired of the same old shows.

And since I am clouding her mind with inappropriate shows, I might as well confess she had pancakes, peanut butter, and asparagus for supper. She hasn’t been eating much this week. She stayed with Aunt Amy and only ate 5 green beans. Well and picked some dried cherries and chocolate chips out of a scone. So when I asked her what she wanted for supper she requested pancakes. So I added a little peanut butter protein. Then I warmed up some left over asparagus and she had a couple stalks. I think supper was a success!

I might be in the running for mom of the year...

Of course my mother in a effort to make me think everything that goes wrong with Maci is my fault. She has that lovely characteristic about her. PRINTS me off an article for a "reputable source" that if I would have eaten more beans when I was pregnant Maci wouldn't have asthma. I am done having children if it means I have to eat lentils, lima beans, or those dried beans you turn into different dishes. I might be able to eat northern beans...I will eat baked beans. I am all about green beans. BUT I draw the line at LIMA BEANS!

Friday, January 4, 2008


At what age should you start flossing? Maci thinks it is now. Every time I get out floss she needs some too! Then she moves it around mimicking how I do it. I guess it is never too early to start teaching good hygiene.